Cross Posting Context I always wanted to contribute to an Open Source Project, but I could never find out a project where I could drop in and understand the issues posted. I did have a hard requirement for the project to be in Go, and then came along this very cool project called Charm. The project provides tools and libraries to build out Terminal User Interfaces (TUIs) using Go.
Cross-Posting Context A Frontend Developer in another Team, had merged their PR with the following changes: # serverless.yml + tags: + coolTag: coolValue + coolTag2: coolValue2 - resources: Description: Cool Description Resources: CoolS3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket ... CoolS3BucketPolicy: Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy ... ... It was a simple PR to add in AWS Tags for helping out with visibility of the resources created through AWS CloudFormation and also for cost exploration purposes.
Cross-Posting Context For fun, I logged into an AWS account that is used for development purposes. Due to it’s purpose, there was a high chance that resources may have been dangling around and not being cleaned up. Exploring in the AWS Costs Explorer, I took a quick look at the different services, and I came across the ECR Service, which was around $16 per day (around $480 per month).
Cross-Posting Context My friend puts the following Error Message on a Slack Channel that our Team monitors and provides assistance in coolLambdaPermission | UPDATE_FAILED | Resource handler returned message: "The provided principal was invalid. Please check the principal and trying again" (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 400 ...) He also provides some details on the Jenkins Job that showed this error message, and wanted to get some help. I was free so I jumped into resolving it.

My First Post

- 1 min read
Introduction This is my first actual post, live on my website. Very cool! Why Cause I have a website now, a place on the interwebs. How I’m intending to use: Hugo - Since I love Golang and find any reason to use Golang Poison Theme - Simple and clean, probably switch up some colors.